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  • Exploring the Plot and Subplot of The Castle, Howard Barker


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ID number:383130
Published: 19.10.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The Castle starts just after the men of a town have returned from fighting in one of the crusades.
It would appear from their reactions that none of them expected much to have changed whilst they were away however they are shocked or even appalled to discover just what the women got up to when their backs were turned, most notably the abolition of the church and the lack of social status, the men clearly are not used to everyone being equal in the way that the women now are.
Krak, a prisoner who was brought back by the crusaders, has the idea that the men must build a castle in order to reinstate their authority over the women or at least that's what he told them in reality he is planning the castle to destroy the women.

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