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ID number:382040
Published: 16.04.2021.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

21. Slide
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Positive stability develops forces which restores aircraft it to its original position.
Neutral stability implies that the aircraft will not move further away from its original attitude nor move back to it.
Negative stability, or instability, tends to develop forces which move it further away from its original position. Negatively stable aircraft are not controllable by humans, and therefore they are fly-by-wire aircraft. Computer must regulate all inputs to the aircraft. * *[next]
22. Slide
The pilot has to overcome the corrective tendency to change the attitude of the aircraft to maneuver it into the desired attitude, which would be easier with a less positively stable aircraft.
Maneuvarebility depends on the weight of the plane, engine,design, engineering as well as purpouse and center of gravity. *[next]
23. Slide
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