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ID number:374100
Published: 21.11.2002.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

There were many different reasons why the American colonies were established. Most of the earliest colonists migrated to America because they saw it as an opportunity to become rich. The different colonies were established for different reasons but the motivation all had something to do with religion, economics, or government. Some colonies wanted religious freedom while others were seeking refuge.
Massachusetts' inhabitants were Puritans who believed in predestination and that God was perfect. Puritans in England were persecuted because they felt that the Church of England, which was led by the king, did not enforce a literal enough interpretation of the Bible. Punishments included jail and even execution. To seek refuge, the Pilgrims went to Holland but their lives in Holland were much different than their lives in England. They did not want their children to be raised as Dutch and they also felt that Holland was too liberal. …

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