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ID number:373956
Published: 30.01.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Nora Helmer and Yermolai Alekseyevich (Lopakhin) of A Doll's House and The Cherry Orchard respectively, were akin in many ways. The two characters lacked in their personal lives and were not in charge of their households. On the other hand, there were also differences between them. Nora was not as clever as Lopakhin and also not as confident. Nora and Lopakhin both had missing pieces within their interpersonal relationships but at the same time had overcome much hardship by the end of the respective plays.
Nora and Yermolai Alekseyevich (Lopakhin) both lacked successful love lives, and both dwelled in homes that were owned and controlled by another party. Not only was Nora flirtatious towards a man other than her husband (Dr. Rank), she eventually left her husband and her three children behind. The following conversation between Nora and Torvald was Nora's final statements before leaving her family behind. It aptly illustrated the tension and dysfunction between Nora and her husband:
NORA. I've never felt more clearheaded and sure in my life.

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