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  • "George Orwell" and the Mad World: The Anti-Universe of 1984.


    Essays5 Literature

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ID number:324473
Published: 16.06.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

"I shall save you, Winston, I shall make you perfect." So O'Brien, the Grand Inquisitor of 1984, has said to the antihero Winston Smith, in one of the dream sequences which strangely go almost unnoticed in that inverted Platonic dialogue which is Orwell's monument. It is as if the lives of the Platonic philosopher-kings were viewed from the point of view of one of the Auxiliaries. But it is not the old style of dialogue, in which there is a certain amount of free interchange of ideas, even between master and disciple. Rather, in this new style of dialogue, one party has the ability to infl…

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