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ID number:316253
Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Discuss the ways in which the history of border societies has been shaped by the economic relationship between Mexico and the U.S. Evaluate the positive and negative outcomes of this for both countries.
The U.S Mexico border region before the 1800's was a barren expanse of land that stretched between two oceans. Before this time there was little or no natural resources to promote or aid any kind of large population settlement, '[...] it was characterised by small autonomous, local communities economically and politically independent of each other.' The areas first real population build up began in 1546 when silver was discovered in Zacatecas. The area although envied by foreign states that were vying for power in the north stayed in Spanish hands and passed into the post Spanish rule of The Republic of Mexico. The area since the 1800's has become a hotbed of political, social, nationality and trade issues. The aim of this work is to follow the timeline from Mexican independence through to N.A.F.T.A and up to modern day. This work will give most treatment to the foundations of the border societies. It may seem perverse that the main body of this work is not dedicated to N.A.F.T.A but as the Maquila phenomenon can be seen as yet another boom on the border and is as fragile as the prohibition vice tourism boom. …

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