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  • Can the notion of Human Rights be justified and in what are such rights grounded?


    Essays4 Philisophy

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ID number:309872
Published: 03.08.2005.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Can the notion of Human Rights be justified and in what are such rights grounded?
"Human rights are a set of universal claims to safeguard human dignity from illegitimate coercion, typically enacted by state agents" (Brysk, 2002 p. 3). The notion of human rights is an important ideal in society and a cause of great debate these days. Rights limit the extent to which other humans can intrude on other individuals and groups and are a necessary component of life. Human rights act as cornerstones on which society operates socially. Human rights are not as straightforward as one may think, wit…

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