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  • Critical analysis of "Montana 1948" by Larry Watson. Includes plot summary, themes, major and minor characters, conflicts and more.


    Essays1 Literature

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ID number:302267
Published: 16.12.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Montana 1948
- Title: Montana 1948 ; Genre- American West Fiction
- Author: Larry Watson; Birth - 1948. Still living
- Publication Date: 1993
- Plot Summary: David Hayden lives in a small town called Bentrock, Montana. The Haydens is a powerful family of Mercer County, including members such as the local sheriff and a war hero. The summer of 1948 is a turning point in David's life forever changes his point of view on everything he's ever known. First his nanny, Marie Little Soldier, falls into a sickness and David's uncle, Frank, now a doctor, is called to examine Marie. Marie refuses…

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