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ID number:255383
Published: 21.04.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Middle East Satellite Communications and Internet via Satellite is the latest in a series of market research reports which cover the latest trends in satellite communications and associated technologies.
It focuses on the two main areas I believe are of interest to the industry, satellite broadcasting and Internet via satellite.
I have chosen to cover the Middle East because it is of an area of major success for DTH broadcasting, a major market for Internet via satellite and an area of intense topical interest. I have, within the report, identified a long-term major market for military broadband and narrowband communications.
The report is a regional follow-on and update to our annual Internet via Satellite reports published in 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001.
I have, though, made substantial changes to the nature of our research on Internet via Satellite, opting for a series of regional reports looking at the issues in a much greater depth, providing a general overview of all forms of satellite communications within each region.

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