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ID number:244799
Published: 18.09.2009.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

“Rebecca” is the story of two women, one man, and a house “Manderley”. The book “Rebecca” by Daphne du Maurier is about love, past mysteries and life in high society. The author wants to tell us about some people’s problematic past, and also entertain us because in a way “Rebecca” is also a love story and a detective. A report on this book includes three major aspects: theme, style and value.
One aspect of the book is its theme. The main idea is that everybody wants to be happy in their lifes, despite their pasts. To reach this aim - peace and life, full of love, they have to be strong, sacrifice something very dear to them and they have to forget their painful past.…

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