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ID number:233260
Published: 17.01.2006.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

I am studying ICT in Solihull. This includes Touchwood and the surrounding area. I will be talking about the impact of ICT in the community with GPS in transport, how it is useful and how it can be a bad thing. I will also be concentrating on security (CCTV and Speed Cameras); and finally communication using ICT based ways, e.g. Libraries and Internet Cafes.
ICT has recently been improved in the community because there have been complaints from the travelling public that services, like buses, don't arrive on time. Or they would be waiting for an hour, and then three buses come at once. No information was displayed about whether the service delayed or cancelled at bus stops/train stations. Therefore they don't know how long they will have to wait. Also passengers don't know the duration of their journey when on the bus/train stations.

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