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ID number:226820
Published: 21.01.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

This unforgettable night occurred on May 16 of last year, as usual I went to bed around 10pm but during the night I was suddenly awoken by sounds of sirens ringing and people screaming and shouting from outside. Opening my eyes I see seeping through my window blinds a bright red and orange light illuminating my entire bedroom. Getting out of bed I quickly open my window blinds to see the sky lit by yellow and orange lights and billows of black smoldering smoke coming from the left side of our street. Not being able to see clearly what was happening out side I ran out of the room feeling my heart beat suddenly quickening rapidly and wiping my now very sweaty and wet palms down the side of my robe and praying to god that what ever was happening outside was not close to the house. …

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