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  • It Is in Support of the Death Penalty


    Essays1 Law

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ID number:219548
Published: 11.11.2002.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The Death Penalty is a punishment that should be imposed to those who commit the most heinous crimes. It is a punishment that bring closure to the victims families and helps them move on with the thought that the man who committed the crime will no longer be a threat to them or society. It also helps us save on tax dollars and be at peace with our conscience that one killer less will no longer be out in the streets threatening other innocent victims.
This penalty is the most efficient to deal with cereal killers and mass murderers because the extent of the damage they have caused an innocent family is irreversible. The physiological stress is something many go through when they loose a loved one. …

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