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ID number:218035
Published: 25.06.2009.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: 1 units
References: Not used
Table of contents
Nr. Chapter  Page.
  Table of Content    3
  Introduction    4
1.  Description of hotels    5
1.1.  Quality Hotel Floro    5
1.2.  Grotli Høyfjellshotel    6
1.3.  Finse 1222    7
2.  Information of Hotels    9
2.1.  Quality Hotel Floro    9
2.2.  Grotli Høyfjellshotel    10
2.3.  Finse 1222    10
  Conclusion    13
  References    14

Tired of taking sunbath and on the contrary searching for something special and uncommon one can realize, that beauty of nature is not only there when the sun shines brighter. Arctic climate provides charming views you never met in south and strikes probably everyone, who ever was there.
Northern part of Norway is the most reachable place with an arctic climate from Latvia. But as is known, Norway is one of the most expensive countries in the world. For that reason incoming tourism is poorly developed in that area.
It is not always the most expensive places that give you the most for your money.
How to save money, find acceptable accommodation and at the same time spend unforgettable time in the land of fjords?
This paper is going to take you over some 3 star hotels located in northern part of Norway, unusual ones.…

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