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ID number:193138
Published: 04.01.2012.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Novel starts at a small town called Yoroido, where Sayuri was born and lived all her childhood with her mother, father and sister. After that she and her sister are taken to Gion – a geisha area of Kyoto. And in the end she leaves Japan to start a life in New York.
The story starts with a twist in little Chiyos life – she is taken away from home to a big city to become a geisha. After her unsuccessful escape she is forbidden to become one so now she has no family and no purpose in her life. In one of the worst days of her life she meets The Chairman – a young man who takes his time to cheer up the little girl. Almost right away she falls inlove with him. …

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