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ID number:187476
Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

There needs to be a shift to the thinking of total
utility for the social community in order to weigh business decisions.
Opponents would argue that this is a long term plan that require too many radical changes in the face of business. Also, there is no way that an industry wide standard can be set since there are too many types
of corporations. Plus, companies have different needs and every moral rule is subjective according to the type of business that everyone conducts.
In response, I would argue that although there are no industry standards that are feasible, it is possible for every company to examine their practices as well as the attitude of their employees. There will be
companies that find that they are doing fine with employees that are aware of their moral values. Yet other companies will find that they do have areas that need improvement. It is steps like these that start
implementing changes. Once a few companies start to see the benefits of changes, it can help to encourage other companies to follow suit. After all, as seen in the case of National Semiconductor, mistakes in one
department can cause the deterioration of an entire corporation. When the costs that are possible are taken into account, the changes required to rectify this are small in comparison.

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