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ID number:166022
Published: 17.09.2009.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The time passes quickly. Once more summer has been changed by autumn, which in its turn will be changed by winter. Not long ago there was one of the autumns when, having put on my satchel, I went to school for the first time. At that time I wanted to become adult and to finish primary school. When I was in the 10th form, I dreamt of becoming a 12th form pupil. Everything has run unwittingly, having left only memories of those days, yet what I know without doubt that at the age of twenty-six I feel that I have not grown up yet and feeling like 15 years ago. The only difference between these two periods is that now every day more and more I start to think and to become more profound, reflecting what I, as one of this planet’s specks of dust, can change in my own life and the lives of other people, both physically and spiritually.…

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