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ID number:161244
Published: 11.08.2021.
Language: English
Level: Elementary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The book is written in the third person. The style is clear and emotive. The story is moving slowly. But some events are moving very quickly. The structure of the story is illogical, because Geppetto lived in the sea monster for two years.
I think, this book was difficult to read, because in the book were a lot of foreign words. The story was exciting and I liked this book, because Pinocchio always got in trouble. The book made me feel sad, because Pinocchio almost died .
I read this book in 4 days. I saw Pinocchio’s movie when I was four years old. I would like to read a book with the same subject, because I liked this subject. I recommend this book for everyone who wants to know about Pinocchio’s life.

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