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ID number:156056
Published: 19.01.2010.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used


Some of the strengths of Sharrby are strong brand name and recognition in Europe, different clothing lines, low cost advantage; it has grown substantially during recent years, efficient and fast distribution, good customer service and fast delivery of new designs, trends and products.

Sharrby has stores in all European Union’s countries. After opening first in Finland, followed by store openings in Sweden and Germany Sharrby has had rapid expansion in other EU member countries. Recently it has opened stores in new EU member countries- Latvia, Estonia and Hungary. The total number of stores is 758. This Finnish clothing brand is third biggest fashion retailer after Spanish Inditex group and Swedish H&M. Sharrby has loyal customer group which loves their Scandinavian design, good quality and reasonable prices. Also customers from different target groups once in a while buy something from Sharrby proving that its products are fashionable and valued by people out of its target.

Sharrby has four clothing lines. There is a line for women representing femininity combined with urban influence. This line includes new styles of clothes, which are switched every season. Also there are classical pieces, which are sold not depending on latest trends.…

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