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  • Fight Club: Consumerism and Globalization


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ID number:153786
Published: 23.05.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Consumerism and globalization have a huge influence on us and the characters in the film, "Fight Club." What the main character, "Jack," said, "You are not the car you drive" is very true. In the world we live in, we are all the same. We all wear brand name clothes and drive brand name cars. Our khakis and furniture do not define our style. Why? Because we have no style, they are the styles of Gap and Honda. Our spare time has been wasted on window-shopping and our money on excess materials. The luxuries that we used to have are now considered necessities. The more we consume the more powerful we feel. Nobody is equal; your status is calculated by the value of materials you consume. Consumerism has a negative influence on how we act. It has changed our personal values.…

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