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  • Talks about the Music of Green Day, Especially the Literal Analysis of the Lyrics of Their Two Songs - "American Idiot" and "Jesus of Suburbia"


    Essays1 Music, Biographies, History, Culture

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ID number:142781
Published: 12.08.2006.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Tales of Green Day
Back after filling the past 10 years with mediocre albums, Green Day's American Idiot snagged six 2004 Grammy nominations, and won a 2004 Grammy for Best Rock Album. Some people call their music "punk rock", which makes me immediately thinking about the songs which are popular within the groups of wild children who appear in the streets. If their music is only expressing the craze of adolescences and has not got much meaning then why are so many people flooding to the record stores and the Internet to purchase and download American Idiot?…

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