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ID number:111450
Published: 15.12.2010.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The first time was in 1297. During the fight with the Livonian order the townspeople took down the tower and used its platform as a place, from where to bombard the Wittenstein castle. Some scientists guess that the tower was from wood and it was freestanding, that means there were no nails in the tower. In 1491 the church was completely reconstructed. The architects put on the first cock and the high of the tower was 137 meters.
The second time was in 1666. In early spring architects noticed that in the St. Peter’s church tower’s wall appeared some splits. The ceiling vault opened in 3 places, through which could see the sky. And few days after that the cock with its decoration ball fell down. After an inspection the scientists discovered that the reason why the cock fell down was because the tower’s basics were built on sands, not on a pile foundation. …

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