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ID number:101789
Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Kasher Cashing in with his Voice
"The Lament of Pretty Baby"
I saw something I was not supposed to see A ghostly memory that keeps on haunting me (The kitchen door was open a crack, So naively we peeked inside) Oh, darling sister, have they hurt you, have they hurt you? Oh, Pretty Baby, they won't touch you They won't touch you again We will fix this incident I don't want to be seen as a pretty thing 'Cause it's the pretty things that we're always breaking... (And now she whispers into the mirror:) I'm broken. Oh doctor, doctor, can you fix me, can you fix me? Oh Pretty Baby, you're so naive -- but it comes off so cute We don't want to fix you We love you just the way you are The butterfly pinned to the page The nightingale locked in the cage -- won't you sing for me? Sing for me, uh-huh Yeah, we love you just the way you are Crushed 'neath fashion magazines Trampled by circus pony dreams -- won't you kiss me? Won't you kiss me, uh-huh Oh please, mister, can't you fix me, can't you fix me? (uh-huh) Someone, anyone, won't you fix me, won't you fix me? (uh-huh) Oh, someone, please, the moon has raped me I can feel it inside me Oh, mama, please let someone fix me! Let them fix me, uh-huh Let them fix me, uh-huh So cry yourself to sleep Cry yourself to sleep 'cause I am strong and you are weak Wait, you are strong, and I am weak Fuck -- just cry yourself to sleep.

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