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ID number:920173
Published: 17.10.2009.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 3 units
References: Used

1.Con-artists also use viruses and Trojan horses, which took bank codes and other materials from customers’ computers. (Direct borrowing ) (The Baltic Times, May 8-14, 2008; “Con-artists target banks”, p.2)
2.The Neringa restaurant on Gedimino Avenue was a favorite hangout for the city’s bohemian jazz contingent during the 1980s, and the tiny, smoky Langas Club in the Old Town served as a regular venue in the 1990s. ( Indirect borrowing; Latin restaurare- French, from present participle of restaurer to restore ) ( The Baltic Times, May 8-14, 2008; “Living in the jazz age”, p.8)

1.I carried on going to school and playing outside, but I had lost some of my innocence. (Indirect borrowing; Greek scholē leisure, discussion, lecture, school- Latin schola- Old English scōl- Middle English scole ) (Cosmopolitan, UK Edition, May 2008; “I’m going to find my stolen sister”, p.38).…

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