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ID number:308849
Published: 28.10.2009.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 1 units
References: Used

It is logically, that crisis not only damage environment in an organization, but also disrupts managers.Last year’s experience had shown us, thad there is a need for special crisis management in every organization.It is very important, what decisions you make, because there is higher level of risk. This is of many factors, for example: a more crowded world living in unsuitable areas; scarce resources that must be extracted from more remote and deeper places; more complex, intertwined, and sometimes unfamiliar technologies; societies with rising expectations and relentless demands; multiplying number and variety of diverse groups, often with strong differences in goals and values; fierce competition among groups, organizations, and countries, for economic and political supremacy; increasing pressure on managers to accomplish their missions and achieve successful results; and a loss of a sense of community with common pur­poses, norms, and bonds.1…

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