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ID number:691909
Published: 22.07.2021.
Language: English
Level: Elementary school
Literature: 2 units
References: Not used
Table of contents
Nr. Chapter  Page.
  Introduction    3
1.  What is tehnology?    4
1.2.  Types of tehnology    5
2.  The pros of tehnology in classroom    6
2.1.  The cons of tehnology in classroom    7
  List of sources used    9

Assigning technology use in the classroom is fine if all students have access to the device. But when edtech programs are considered for homework, at home intervention, or even flipped learning, student access to the Internet must be considered.
• privacy - Privacy of student information and data is enough of an issue to keep many teachers and schools away from implementing any sort of broad reaching tech initiatives.

My conclusions... well.. i think that tehnology’s from mechanical ending with medical are one of the best things what person has invented.
Yes, of course, they have pros but more importantly is that they also have many cons.
I would like to say that 21st century would not be imaginable without tehnology.
After this report you will see what buatifull things we can do with tehnology ( electronic tehnology ) .

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