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ID number:968336
Published: 26.11.2009.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 2 units
References: Not used

In order to make a report on a local Oral Health Promotion Unit, on 23rd of July 2009, I arranged to visit Waltham Forest Primary Care Trust, which due to the national changes in NHS in April 2009 has become a part of a larger NHS group - the Outer North East London Community Services - and is based within Salaried Dental Services Unit in Comley Bank Clinic Dental Department in Walthamstow. I also found out that Waltham Forest and Redbridge Oral Health Promotion units are working as one body with one lead person and Oral Health promoter being responsible for both areas. Community Dental Services in Redbridge have kept the same name but in Waltham Forest it has been renamed as Salaried Dental Services.
On the day of my visit I was kindly greeted by the Lead of Oral Health Promotion Team and Senior Oral Health Promoter who did not only answer all my questions, but had also prepared great amount of information for me to look through and get a better understanding in how OHP unit works, what are the aims, what are the targeted areas of their work and what are the OHE Information resources and the guidelines for use of these.…

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