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ID number:204206
Published: 06.01.2010.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Business aspects
Oil activities are a major factor in the Norwegian economy and the strong economic growth between 1980 and 2000 is primarily due to the development of the oil industry. Today Norway is the 2nd / 3rd biggest exporter of oil the world. Fisheries are the next important industry in Norway. Norway has an industry based on raw materials. Natural resources utilized in Norwegian industry are hydro-electric power, forestry, fisheries and petroleum.
Norway has an open economy with export of goods and services accounting for 46% OF GDP in 2001. A large share of the country’s exports and imports are with EU/EEA countries. Norway, as the other Scandinavian countries has a high percentage of the workforce in the public sector. The responsibility for health and education lies with public sector.…

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