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ID number:345315
Published: 21.10.2009.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 4 units
References: Used
Table of contents
Nr. Chapter  Page.
  Intraduction    3
  Aquatic massage therapy    4
  Stone therapy    6
  Lomi lomi massage    7
  Shiatsu massage    9
  Conclusion    11
  References    12
  Glossary    13

Physiotherapists are using many different therapies and techniques in their practices, but the more therapies they know the best experts they can be, because of the way they can be adapted for each patient for the most appropriate treatment. Aquatic Massage Therapy, Stone Therapy, Lomi Lomi Massage and Shiatsu Massage is a part of therapy that I would like to learn. I chose to describe this part of the industry as the population health status is the ground of mental, physical, and social welfare. This specific theme was chosen because it currently of society’s interest with its emerging issues about the importance of water for human body. Information on water treatment is in insufficient quantities, and many people are not informed how it can improve their health. In the nowadays’ stressful world people often forget to take care of themselves and their whole body. These introduced techniques are useful and great massages, not only a powerful relaxation tool that reduces stress level, but also a great tool for general health improvement. Receiving a massage course helps to improve relationships with friends and family, creating additional emotional contact which in today's society is lacking so much. Everybody requires massages - adults, children, middle-aged man and elderly people. First of all it is necessary for healthy people in order to maintain a good overall well-being and to prevent diseases. Massage is one of the oldest healing arts.…

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