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ID number:142473
Published: 26.04.2006.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 2 units
References: Not used
Table of contents
Nr. Chapter  Page.
  Introduction    3
  Introducing the Binary Number System    4
  Properties of Binary Numbers    10
  Conclusion    13
  References    13

What is Binary Number System? What good of it? Where we can use it? I`m hope, that my report will help you understand Binary Number System point and availability, they advantages for computers and disadvantages for human intellect.
I have chosen this theme, because I`m take interest about computers architecture and engineering. To understand how computer works, first you will need to begin with hardpan. But learning computer architecture on lowest level, first you need learn about Binary Number System, binary digit – bit.
Report consists of basic knowledge about binary digit (deciaml and binary base, decimal to binary conversion and upturned etc.,. There are no floating point representation (how central processor unit – CPU – “understand” decimal fraction) and two`s complement binary (how CPU “understand” negative numbers).…

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