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ID number:711951
Published: 01.06.2009.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The parts of the business letter:
1. The heading
Business letters are frequently written on headed blanks. Normally the heading will include
the company name and address
telephone numbers, e-mail
the type of business
VAT number
2. Sender’s address
It appears in the top right-hand corner of the letter against the margin. You should include your contact details (telephone, e-mail). It is not necessary to write the sender’s address if you write your letter on a headed blank.
3. The date
It appears on the right under the sender’s address. Dating a business letter is important as it is a reference point for future communications.
The date may also be placed immediately above the greeting or immediately below the signature.
4. The reference (optional)
This is typed in the same line as the date on the left of the page. It is often added to orders, application letters, invoices in order to facilitate processing. …

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