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ID number:548916
Published: 11.08.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The dew-point is the temperature at which the saturated vapour starts to condense.
The bubble-point is the temperature at which the liquid starts to boil.
The region above the dew-point curve shows the equilibrium composition of the superheated vapour while the region below the bubble-point curve shows the equilibrium composition of the subcooled liquid.
This difference between liquid and vapour compositions is the basis for distillation operations.
In this assignment we tried to examine as closely as possible the production of this pharmaceutical product (Liquid B). We came to the conclusion that the batch process would be more appropriate in our case as our production rate is not very big. We performed calculations that gave us information on what type of equipment we will use and how. Finally, we looked into the consequences of the dangerous waste that the plant will emit to the environment and realised how important it is not only for the people that work inside the plant but also for the general public and the environment, to control its emissions and be responsible for its activities. Every industry no matter what size it has, should be careful and responsible for its actions, and respect the eco-system and the human health.

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