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ID number:151254
Published: 21.10.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The play 'Tartuffe', by Moliere, is a work that was created to show people a flaw in their human nature. There are two characters who portray the main flaw presented in the play. Both Madame Pernelle and Orgon are blinded to the farces of Tartuffe and must be coaxed into believing the truth. The fact that Orgon and Madame Pernelle are too weak to see the truth is the main driving force throughout the play.
The most obvious weakness shared between Orgon and Madame Pernelle is gullibility. The trait of gullibility can be seen as a family trait as suggested in an essay on 'Tartuffe' : 'His mother shares his capacity for self-delusion even after Tartuffe has been found out ('We cannot always judge by what we see')' (Weals). Orgon believes because Tartuffe claims to be a man of God he should put everything he has into Tartuffe's hands. He proves how much he believes this after Damis tells him that Tartuffe was flirting with Elmire.…

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