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ID number:255255
Published: 30.11.2009.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

„The Holiday” is the movie of year 2006, directed and written by Nancy Meyers. Movie genre is romantic comedy. There is an excellent selection of actors - Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, who play main female leads, also Jude Law and others. The plot of this movie is gripping – it is like two stories in one. The main characters – Amanda and Iris, make decision to change their homes for 2 weeks, because both want to have a rest for their work and unsuccessful relationship. And so – Iris has to go to Los Angeles, but Amanda to Great Britain. And that’s why movie is filmed like two parts – in two places at the same time. What was predictable that Amanda meets Iris brother and starts to date him, but Iris is trying to gather her wits. And this is the romantic part of a story, when Amanda unknowingly falls in love, but Iris meets her potential boyfriend.…

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