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ID number:126983
Published: 27.05.2009.
Language: English
Level: Elementary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

This is a film of year 2005, directed by the quite scandalous rock musician – Rob Zombie. It is a low budget horror film, made as a sequel of a film called house of a 1000 corpses by the same director. But I found this film quite unusual for if we set aside all the blood and killing, we would have ourselves a nice story representing the fundamental family values.
What we have here is a story about a family who call themselves ‘The Devil’s Rejects’. And what a family that is – mother, who calls herself Mother-Firefly, father – a clown - capt’n Spaulding, and 4 kids: 3 boys and exceptionally beautiful daughter – Baby. All together they share their traditions and values, such as worshiping the devil or killing people and using their body parts as decorations for their house.…

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