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ID number:347169
Published: 27.03.2021.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 2 units
References: Not used
Time period viewed: 2014.g. - 2015.g.

Some people might disagree saying that painting bicycle lanes is a good way to spend the taxpayers’ money. Others might feel that our government should be spending more money on educating our society about the need to recycle and a greener way of life. But there are still some who might argue that corporations, vehicle drivers ect., not the government, should be paying more to limit pollution.
Instead of selling quotas to the ''big polluters'', these days Latvia is forced to think about buying them. I strongly believe that a larger number of federal budget should be spent on limiting pollution and educating our society on the matter. This is not a problem that can be solved merely by painting bicycle lanes in the city center. The government and our society needs to wake up and realize the damage that can be done by ignoring the environment around us and living selfishly.

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