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ID number:640898
Published: 18.07.2021.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 54 units
References: Used
Table of contents
Nr. Chapter  Page.
1.  Main concepts of redefining healthcare environment    10
1.1.  From institutional based mental well-being to community based setting    10
1.2.  Importance of providing education opportunity in health-care environment    11
1.3.  Influence of urban environment on mental health facilities    12
1.4.  Concluding remarks    14
2.  Criteria for spatial qualities in environment that provides mental well-being improvement    15
2.1.  Non-hospital impression – dealing with the social stigma    15
2.2.  Functionality and accessibility of the therapeutic place    16
2.2.1.  Animal assisted therapy    16
2.2.2.  Physical activity and exercise    17
2.2.3.  Meditation    18
2.3.  Connection and interaction with nature    19
2.3.1.  Linking physiological and psychological processes    19
2.3.2.  Attention Restoration Theory    20
2.3.3.  Organisation of the landscape    21
2.4.  Appropriate elements that support mental well-being    22
3.6.  Concluding remarks    26
3.  Precedent study    28
3.1.  Criteria for choosing case studies    28
3.2.  Eltheto Housing and Healthcare Complex - sensitive housing program    28
3.3.  Vanke Park Mansion – walk as a ritual    29
3.4.  Towada Community Plaza – indoor transition to outdoor    31
  Appendix    41

One of the important key concepts is to rearrange the healthcare environment from institutionalised system to a community based setting. Putting emphasis on quality communal spaces with the nature as a tool of treatment, is a crucial aspect for creating an atmosphere that promotes mental well-being. Facilities that are situated in an urban area is a benefit for both, patients and the rest of the society that feel the need for improving themselves. The accessibility and distance is no longer an obstacle to include the therapeutic activities into the everyday routine. Informing society by raising awareness of the mental health issues and treatments can be done easier if the specific facilities are located near the academic campuses, for example, in the knowledge territory Pārdaugava.

For creating a healing environment, an overview of the main spatial criteria was developed. First and the most important step is to avoid traditional hospital impression that makes the patient feel socially ejected or “treated”. The place should be functionally suitable for diverse health promoting activities as physical therapies, meditative events, that require transformable spaces and Animal Assisted Therapies including developed outdoor area. Nature experience and exposure should be assumed as one of the main factors that influence human’s health in a positive way. For designing the specific place, elements and smaller details also play a substantial role. Every architectural component that reflects nature or naturalness can be considered as mental well-being supportive, for example: soft edges should be followed by organic forms; green tones provide a calming atmosphere and use of natural materials are more recommended, such as stone, wood or clay.

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