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ID number:182246
Published: 19.04.2021.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
Time period viewed: 2013.g. - 2013.g.

4. Make back up plans. Don't plan your whole day (or night) around an unreliable person. Consider what you will do with your day if he or she ends up canceling or not showing up. If you don't think of this ahead of time, you may end up disappointed, fuming all day, and whining to all of your friends about how your day was ruined. You want to make plans as to how you can be productive or have fun if the other person cancels. Then, if he or she doesn't follow through, you can happily move on to plan b! For example, I just had plans to go snow tubing with a family member. I had a babysitter lined up for my toddler. Predictably, he canceled the day of, and I ended up going on a wonderful date with my husband. I was so happy with the outcome that I was kind of glad the plans were canceled!
5. Finally, while you probably should not cut this person out of your life, do not make frequent plans with an unreliable person. This sounds cold, but if you keep rewarding the bad behavior, why should it stop? Don't be a glutton for punishment![3]

I have also made a survey, in Latvian, which filled my friends, friend of my friends and also my relatives. I had 39 respondents, 26 men and 13 women they average age was 24.3.My survey contained 10 questions. Here are my questions and respondent answers.

2. Paskaidro, lūdzu, kas ir neuzticams cilvēks.
1) Cilvēks, kurš nepilda solīto, vai netur mēli aiz zobiem
2) cilvēks, kuram nevar uzticētie, jo kādreiz ir pievīlis!
3) Cilvēks, kurš melo, uz kuru nevar paļauties ,jo viņš tevi mūžīgi piekrāpj !
4) Neuzticams cilvēks ir tas, kurš iegūst uzticību no citiem cilvēkiem viņa interešu labā un iegūst labumu no citiem.
5) Tāds, kurš cikliski jeb periodiski nav izpildījis kādu vienošanos, īpaši kādu konkrētu, turklāt atkārtoti, bieži tādā veidā pakāpeniski zaudējis savu uzticību otrā indivīdā, kurš savukārt šo personu psiholoģiski pieskaita neuzticamo personu sarakstā.
6) Cilvēks, kuram nedrīkst izpaust savus noslēpumus, stāstīt svarīgas lietas, vai cilvēks, kurš neizpilda savus solījumus vairākkārtīgi.

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