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ID number:297667
Published: 26.03.2012.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Used
Table of contents
Nr. Chapter  Page.
  Main Places to Visit in Turin   
  Cathedrals and Churches   
  Turin Cathedral and The Chapel of The Holy Shorud   
  Basilica of Superga   
  Santuario della Consolata   
  Egyptian Museum   
  The National Cinema Museum and The Mole Antonelliana   
  Museo Nazionale dell'Automobile   
  L’Armeria Reale   
  Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea   
  Gardens and squares   
  Parco Del Valentino   
  Piazza Castello   
  River Po banks   
  Castles and Palaces   
  Palazzo Reale or Vaneria Reale   
  Palazzo Madama   
  Castello and Borgo Medivale   
  Cafes and Restaurants   
  Caffe San Carlo   

Nowadays Caffè San Carlo is assembling people who are willing to relax, enjoy their meals with no hurry or observe other people. They came here for morning coffee, evening snacks, for pastry and vine. The retro style interior of this place is like telling stories about the past through the variety of decorations, columns and gold. It is a place to visit because not everywhere in the world you can find something like this cafe with such a historical breath.
Check their website for more information:

Al Bicerin
Address: piazza della Consolata 5, 10122, Turin
Visiting hours: every day from 8:30 to 19:30, except Wednesdays.
Phone number: +39 011 4369325
Al Bicerin is another historical coffee room to visit in Italy. This place was opened in 1763, as a small coffee-chocolate shop, but at the beginning of 19th century when the entire building was renovated Al Bicerin also changed become more elegant. Coffee, chocolate, syrups – Al Bicerin even invented several new drinks playing with these ingredients. Al Bicerin brought together people from different social groups and with different statuses. Of course, there are also famous people Al Bicerin is proudly remembering hosting once: Alexandre Dumas the father mentions in one of his letters that Al Bicerin is a place he would never want Turin to lose, Giacomo Puccini was often guest there during his life and even German philosopher Nietze enjoyed their drink called ‘bicerin’.
Visit their website to finf out more about this place:

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