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ID number:749459
Published: 16.11.2009.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

1.The role of business in society.
The business world is a complex system of individuāls and business organisation that involves the activity of transforming resources into products or services to meet the needs of people. Business activities involves human activities, production, exchange and profit.Business is the means by which society tries to satify its needs and impove its standarts of living. At the heart of all activities is the entreprenour, who starts new ventures and thereby creates jobs,economic growth and prosperity. No one invented the business world. It is the result of activities related to meeting the needs of people in a market economy. Business also serves the community indirecctly by means of tehnological innovation, researche and developmen, and improvments to infrastructure. The business world and society both depends on and influence each other.…

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