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ID number:374641
Published: 31.10.2006.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

System education in Latvia and Finland

I compare system education in Latvia and Finland and found it more similar then dissimilar. Both education systems consist of basic education (comprehensive school), general and vocational education (post-comprehensive school), higher education and adult education.
The Latvian and the Finnish school system do not have any actual pre-schools, but pre-school teaching is provided at schools and day-care centres (kindergartens). Pre-school teaching means education provided in the year before children start comprehensive school. The aim is to improve children's capacity for learning. In practice, children are taught new facts and new skills through play. There is legislation which requires all municipalities to provide pre-school teaching free of charge to all children aged six, but participation in such teaching is voluntary. Most six-year-olds now go to pre-school.…

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