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ID number:823875
Published: 08.05.2004.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 4 units
References: Not used
Table of contents
Nr. Chapter  Page.
  Introduction    3
  Romanticism and Realism    3
  Jude Fawley As a romantic    3
  Idealist against Pragmatic Realism    3
  Ideal Vision of “Real” Christminster    4
  Sue Bridehead As Jude’s Real Ideal    5
  Conclusion    7
  Bibliography    8

Jude the Obscure is a tragic story of Thomas Hardy's heartbreaking classic, where emotional depth uncovers the soul of the novel. Jude the Obscure effectively captures not only its humanity, but also its uniqueness, fashioning a delicate rapport between characters of the novel and readers. In Jude the Obscure, with its bleakness and desolation, Hardy shows the growing gap between Young Jude has accompanied his beloved schoolteacher, Phillotson to the top of a hill outside his town of Marygreen. Phillotson is travelling to Christminster to become a scholar, and, with Jude by his side to bid him farewell, he points out the distant place. This vision becomes a driving force in Jude's life. Though he grows up to be a stone mason by trade, his dream is of scholarship, so he spends long hours studying, hoping eventually to follow Phillotson. Years later, in the wake of a failed marriage to a pig farmer's daughter, Jude finally journeys to Christminster. And, although he fails in his quest for admission to a university, he meets his beautiful, young cousin, Sue Bridehead a modern woman who refuses to be governed by religious superstitions. As she and Jude spend time together, they fall hopelessly in love. But, because they can never marry, the pressures of society doom their relationshipHardy's romantic vision, a vision that becomes increasingly darker in his later novels, Jude the Obscure included. So in Jude the Obscure there seems to be no hope for the romantic Jude to survive in what seems such an anti-romantic world.…

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