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ID number:228551
Published: 15.01.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

In this experiment I found out that as the temperature goes up the rate of reaction goes up too, because there are more molecules colliding with each other, due to the fact that increasing the temperature increases the speed of molecules therefore it increases the collision rate of the reactant and the number of successful collisions.
If I have to do this experiment again I will change the alcohol thermometer to an electric thermometer so the temperature reading could be more accurate because you can only read the alcohol thermometer to the nearest 0.5¢XC where as if you use an electric thermometer you can read the temperature up to the nearest 0.1¢XC.
I will heat up the acid in a test tube surrounded by water in a beaker to make it safer and more accurate because if you heat up the acid directly you'll have acidic fumes all over the room which is bad for health. And I will be weighting the Mg ribbons so I will have the same amount of magnesium over the same surface area therefore its more of a fair test.

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