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ID number:856483
Published: 18.06.2009.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The film is about…
The idea of making such a film was to make a really good and realistic movie about life at schools, about students and teachers. There are so many films about schools nowadays, but we think that none of them really shows us what exactly happens at schools every day.
This is a story about 3 schoolmates Sarah, John and Tom; they are friends for a very long time. They spend a lot of time together at school and after, and they are happy. They are very ordinary schoolchildren, but one day happens something very strange that makes our 3 friends become heroes and save not only their school and all students and teachers in there, but also they have to rescue the entire world. The aliens have attacked their school and keep everyone in there as hostages. They want to destroy every school in the world, because then there won’t be any smart people in the world and then aliens could easily control the world.
Sarah, John and Tom are the only ones who can help. They have to figure out how to save the school and the world, but they are only little children… What are they going to do? Will they save the school? Watch our very exciting movie with magnificent special effects and excellent group of actors and find out how the movie develops!

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