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ID number:298976
Published: 07.06.2006.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

It is believed that a very long time ago Siberia and Far East of America – Alaska – were connected and the people moved (probably hunting some wild animals) from Siberia to the present territory of America. This movement took place some 30’000 – 10’000 years ago. 10’000 years ago Alaska and the rest of Asia begun to separate and the people remained in America. These people developed certain culture, their own ways of agriculture. We can not find any physical proofs of that time and the only proofs dates back to the very end of the 15th century. Larger communities were formed in South and Central America. Native American civilisations were Incas, Mayas, and Aztecs. There were unions of tribes; wars, killings were going on.
The World in the 15th Century and the Discovery of America
Why Europeans fancied going such a long distance? Scandinavians did not leave any lasting impact on America, and that is the reason why we do not talk of them much in relation to America. A group of Icelandic Vikings led by Leif Ericson sailed to the eastern coast of the North America. They formed here a settlement known as Vinland. Some remains of that period have been found in Newfoundland. There is a 500 years’ gap.…

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