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  • German Transatlantic Relations and Testing the Renewing of the Transatlantic Partnership for Future


    Summaries, Notes5 Politics

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ID number:975299
Published: 11.03.2009.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 2 units
References: Used

For both the United States and the states of Europe, as well as for the central institutions to which they belong, this was a critical juncture- proposing Truman’s Western strategy, how to rebuild the Europe after the war and what the new order will be.
Through the years of the Cold war, Germany and the USA had become very close partners and might call them even friends. But this friendship, which was and still is one of the core relations, holding on the whole transatlantic relations, depended heavily on the security and defence guarantees, which the USA had been promising to give just in case. But there came an end for the Cold war, and also the significant problems in transatlantic relations.
First, they were all connected with NATO, but the NATO had to be restructured, because it had fulfilled all the expectations during the Cold war (being a counter power to Soviets and guaranteeing security to its members). The NATO was decided to continue its existence and maintaining security issues, but the main reformation of its aims and means was connected with aim shift from Soviets to terrorists. Especially after the 11 September. Now the main common global threat was and still is terrorism, so the Transatlantic Alliance took it to deal with. Unfortunately this made transnational relations increasingly complicated. If we look at the relations of Germany and the USA as the main here, that it is easy to see, that they have common understanding about the threats, but they have very different opinions, how to act to them.1

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