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ID number:853835
Published: 16.06.2009.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The text under discussion is part of the novel “Bleak House” by the British writer Charles Dickens. The author presents two characters - Lady Dedlock and Sir Leicester Deadlock in the extract. Being "bored to death" by the rainy weather of Lincolnshire, Lady Dedlock returns home. In her middle age, she still retains her beauty and is always attractively groomed, and she has “sense enough to portion out a legion of fine ladies”. Her husband, baronet Sir Leicester Dedlock, is aware of these qualities of his wife, loves her and “holds her personal attractions in the highest estimation”. Dickens gives the description of Sir Leicester Dedlock, offers the reader an insight into Lady Dedlock’s life and the world of the idle rich – “the fashionable intelligence”.
The text under discussion is a third-person narration: “My Lady Deadlock has been down at what she calls, in familiar conversation, her “place” in Lincolnshire.”…

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