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ID number:629190
Published: 01.05.2021.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Conscientiousness is the trait dimension that describes a person’s sense of responsibility. Conscientious people
are very reliable, like to plan their lives and enjoy routine rather than spontaneous activities. They also pay a lot
of attention to detail and are very tidy. On the negative side, they may be rather inflexible and perfectionist in
their approach to life. In the professional field, conscientious people are vey self-disciplined and show this by
completing tasks and persevering in spite of difficulties. They are often high achievers who enjoy challenges
and look for difficult tasks to prove their abilities. However, they are not attracted to risky or dangerous
professions. They are usually very independent and self-motivated and tend to work as business people and
The trait of openness to experience is sometimes understood as a type of intelligence. High scorers on openness
to experience scales tend to have flexible minds, are intellectually curious and enjoy solving problems.…

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