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ID number:905707
Published: 02.02.2012.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

There Nancy finds “Mama’s Bad Boys” tape. Unfortunately, there is Jason too. Girl doesn’t know what to do and she just pushes “Record” on tape recorder to record all conversation. Then comes Ethan. They all are fighting. Jason tries to drag Nancy toward the railing. She uses her karate skills and hit Jason’s head.
At the end everything is all right. Jason is in jail, Nancy is healthy and she hadn’t erased the important part of George’s precious tape.

My Opinion
Book was very interesting. I like detective and mystery stories, that’s why book was unputdownable. Language was easy to understand. You can take this book when you are going somewhere with plane, bus or train to cheat time. When you start this book it’s hard to predict who is culprit. If you are big fan of detective stories and you have read all Agatha Christie books, than you might think it’s too short and too simple story. But I like it, because usually I read novels about love, relationships and social problems.

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