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ID number:777823
Published: 12.01.2011.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: 1 units
References: Not used
Table of contents
Nr. Chapter  Page.
  Contents    2
  Aim    3
  Tasks    3
  General information    4
  Geography    4
  Language    5
  Population    5
  Japan in world’s tourism industry    7
  Japanese economic trend    8
  Tourism industry and travelers    9
  Japan's most popular tourist attractions    14
  Beyond the busy capital    17
  Conclusions    19
  References    20

Everyone visiting Japan is in awe of several cultural monuments in the country. They are also fascinated by the ability of the traditional life to be mixed with the modern elements, which makes life very interesting for the tourists to Japan. In brief, it is a triumph of the melting pot. As time passes by, the country continues attracting a huge number of visitors all over the world. This is a testament to the growth of the tourism industry and the resilience of the people who operate these kinds of schemes. Japanese culture can be awesome and it is expressed in the opera. Tourists can attend and see Japanese amazing talents at concerts. There are also shopping centers where traditional clothing and it accompanies are sold. This is all about discovering the real roots of Japan rather than just going for the saccharine elements promoted by the tour companies to increase their customer bases.
This is one of the most developed countries in the world. Their technological advancement is just amazing. The new gadgets that come from the market each season are enough to keep the world occupied for a full year. That means that the shopping that is done in Japan has to also include an element of electronics. The consumer electronics come with an advancement that is a credit to the rest of the world. The prices are fairly good but that is not the reason for the recommendation. The recommendation primarily focuses on the ability to get very advanced technology from these different elements. It also means that the use of that technology is at a stage where the consumers can really benefit from it. In due course the chips might change but at the moment Japan is rocking very well. Some people find the politeness of the Japanese rather stifling. That is all about the cultural differences and a little adjusted is to be expected at times like this. However that does not remove the need to keep within the holiday mood even when in Japan.…

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